
About October Archivism

– Philosophy –

My Clients are the MOST Important Part of My Business!

Being a single owner/operator of a small business allows me to build professional relationships built on truly listening and understanding what my clients need. Each client is different and DESERVES personalized attention. I’m local, I’m human and I care about your success in selling your properties!

 -Goal –

Become a Valuable Part of Your Team!

Selling real estate is a team effort and I’m dedicated to working with you achieve your vision of how a listing should be presented. Being a good team player means I can bring more than great images to the table!

This includes:
* Good Communication Skills – Listening!
* Going the extra mile to help the achieve your goals
* Respect for your time and hard work as a real estate agent
* Being flexible and adaptable, handle unexpected challenges with grace
* Have a supportive, collaborative, and positive attitude